
Bubble Gum Media Literacy Unit

Page history last edited by Margo Sanger 14 years, 2 months ago




Thinking About Bubble Gum!


    Bubble gum has been the topic of conversation in the Grade two classes for the last few weeks.  We have been studying bubble gum wrappers and websites to determine the target group the different gums are made for. The students designed their own bubbegum wrapper with a specific audience in mind.  They also are writing advertisements which they will present to the class.  We talked about why companies sell gum and how they attract their target group to purchase their brand of gum. The unit will be wrapped up with a time for bubble gum chewing and blowing bubbles!


Here are some of the websites that we visited during this time.


Cadbury                            History of Bubble Gum                 Topps


Wrigleys                           Bubblicious


 Bazooka                         Bazooka Bubble Gum Song - You Tube Video



Here are some of the bubble gum wrappers

designed by the grade two students.      
























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